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Tariff Notifications for the year 2008

Notification No. Date Subject
138/2008-Customs  31-12-2008 Anti-dumping duty on import of Flexible Slabstock Polyol
137/2008-Customs 26-12-2008 Anti-dumping duty on imports of Sodium Hydroxide, originating in or exported from, Korea ROK and the People's Republic of China
136/2008-Customs 24-12-2008 Exempts certain goods
135/2008-Customs 24-12-2008 Amends notification No. 30/2008-Customs, dated the 3rd March, 2008
134/2008-Customs 22-12-2008 Anti dumping duty on imports of vitrified and porcelain tiles
133/2008-Customs 12-12-2008 Anti dumping duty on imports of certain rubber chemicals
132/2008-Customs 10-12-2008 Amends Notification No. 86/2007-Customs dated the 10th July, 2007
131/2008-Customs 07-12-2008 Rescinds the notification no. 116/2008, dated the 31st October, 2008
130/2008-Customs 07-12-2008 Amendment in the Notification No. 79/2008-Customs, dated the 13th June, 2008
129/2008-Customs 07-12-2008 Exempts iron ore fines falling under Heading No. 11 of the Second Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), when exported out of India, from the whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon which is specified in the said Second Schedule
128/2008-Customs 07-12-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
127/2008-Customs 03-12-2008 Anti-dumping duty on imports of Sulphur Black
126/2008-Customs 21-11-2008 Anti-dumping duty on import of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL)
125/2008-Customs 21-11-2008 Amends certain notifications
124/2008-Customs 21-11-2008 Amends Notification No.39/1996-Customs, dated 23rd July, 1996
123/2008-Customs 20-11-2008 Anti-dumping duty on Acrylic Fibre
122/2008-Customs 18-11-2008 Further amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
121/2008-Customs 07-11-2008 Amendment in the notification  No. 116/2008-Customs,  dated the 31st October, 2008
120/2008-Customs 04-11-2008 Amendment in the notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
119/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Further amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
118/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Anti-dumping duty on import of Cable ties
117/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Amends Notification No.79/2008-Customs, dated the 13th June, 2008
116/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Exempts iron ore fines when exported out of India
115/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Amends Notification No. 66/2008-Customs, dated the 10th May, 2008
114/2008-Customs 31-10-2008 Anti-dumping duty on phenol
112/2008-Customs 22-10-2008 Rescinds the notification  No.69/2008-Customs, dated the 15th May, 2008
111/2008-Customs 22-10-2008 Anti-dumping duty on imports of fully drawn yarn or fully printed yarn or fully oriented yarn or spin drawn yarn or flat yarn of polyester and other yarns
110/2008-Customs 22-10-2008 Amends in the notification No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
109/2008-Customs 21-10-2008 Amends Notification No.159/2003-Customs, dated the 24th October, 2003, regarding anti-dumping duty on Vitamin C, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China
108/2008-Customs 16-10-2008 Amends Notification No.84/2004-Customs, dated the 30th August, 2004
107/2008-Customs 06-10-2008 Notification granting concessions to about 260 items in the negative list of SAFTA
106/2008-Customs 22-09-2008 Amends Notification No. 147/94-Customs, dated 13th July, 1994
105/2008-Customs 18-09-2008 Regarding of anti-dumping duty imposed on Maleic Anhydride originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Taipei and Indonesia
104/2008-Customs 10-09-2008 Regarding of anti-dumping duty imposed on steel and fibre glass tapes and their parts and components
102/2008-Customs 04-09-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty in the matter of import of Hydrogen Peroxide originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China, European Union, Indonesia, Korea ROK and Turkey
101/2008-Customs 02-09-2008 Exempts all goods falling under the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) when imported into India and intended for donation for the relief and rehabilitation of the people affected by the floods in the State of Bihar
100/2008-Customs 29-08-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Sun and/or Dust Control Polyester Film
99/2008-Customs 28-08-2008 Amendments in the notification No. 96/2008-Customs, dated the 13th August, 2008
98/2008-Customs 27-08-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on imports of Ceftriaxone Sodium Sterile
97/2008-Customs 18-08-2008 Amendment in the notification  No.20/2006-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2006
96/2008-Customs 13-08-2008 Regarding Duty free tariff preference for Least Developed Countries
95/2008-Customs 04-08-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
94/2008-Customs 01-08-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of vitrified and porcelain tiles, other than vitrified industrial tiles
93/2008-Customs 01-08-2008 Amends notification No.102/2007-Customs, dated the 14th September, 2007
92/2008-Customs 30-07-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 46/2008-Cus dt.10.04.2008
91/2008-Customs 30-07-2008 Imposes definitive Anti-dumping duty on Diclofenac Sodium in lieu of Notfn. No.46/2008-Cus dt.10.04.2008
90/2008-Customs 24-07-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of Cathode Ray Colour Television Picture Tubes
89/2008-Customs 23-07-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of digital versatile discs-recordable generally known as DVD-R and DVD-RW
88/2008-Customs 16-07-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 39/2007-Customs, dated the 9th March, 2007
87/2008-Customs 16-07-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on vitrified and porcelain tiles, other than vitrified industrial tiles
86/2008-Customs 16-07-2008 Amends notification Nos.93/2004-Customs and 94/2004-Customs both dated the 10th September, 2004
85/2008-Customs 11-07-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Titanium Dioxide
84/2008-Customs 08-07-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
83/2008-Customs 01-07-2008 Amends Notification No.68/2006-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2006
82/2008-Customs 27-06-2008 Regarding anti dumping duty on imports of vitrified and porcelain tiles, other than vitrified industrial tiles originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China
81/2008-Customs 27-06-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on graphite electrodes, originating in, or exported from, People’s Republic of China
80/2008-Customs 13-06-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 62/2007-Customs, dated the 3rd May, 2007
79/2008-Customs 13-06-2008 Regarding exemption to iron ores and concentrates
78/2008-Customs 13-06-2008 Regarding increase in export duty leviable on iron ores and concentrates
77/2008-Customs 13-06-2008 Amends Notification no. 66/2008 - Customs, dated 10th May, 2008
76/2008-Customs 11-06-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Potassium Carbonate
75/2008-Customs 10-06-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on subject goods
74/2008-Customs 04-06-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
73/2008-Customs 02-06-2008 Rescinds the notification No. 84/2006-Customs, dated the 29th August, 2006
72/2008-Customs 02-06-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of Nylon Tyre Cord Fabrics
71/2008-Customs 26-05-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
70/2008-Customs 19-05-2008 Amends Notification Nos. 91/2004-Customs, 93/2004-Customs and  94/2004-Customs all dated the 10thSeptember, 2004
69/2008-Customs 15-05-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on import of fully drawn yarn or fully oriented yarn or spin drawn yarn or flat yarn of polyester (non-textured and non-POY) and other yarns
68/2008-Customs 15-05-2008 Amends Notification No. 15/2007-Customs, dated the 20th February, 2007
67/2008-Customs 10-05-2008 Rescinds Notification No.22/2008-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2008
66/2008-Customs 10-05-2008 Exempts the specified goods
65/2008-Customs 09-05-2008 Amends certain notifications
64/2008-Customs 09-05-2008 Exempts specified goods from duty of customs and additional duty
63/2008-Customs 08-05-2008 Amends certain notifications
62/2008-Customs 06-05-2008 Amends notification Nos. 154/94-Customs, dated the 13th July, 1994 and 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
61/2008-Customs 06-05-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on imports of certain rubber chemicals, namely MBT
60/2008-Customs 05-05-2008 Amends Notification No. 52/2003-Customs, dated  the 31st March, 2003
59/2008-Customs 05-05-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 55/2001-Customs, dated the 16th May, 2001
58/2008-Customs 01-05-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 59/2007-Customs, dated the 30th April, 2007
57/2008-Customs 01-05-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on vitrified and porcelain tiles originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China and United Arab Emirates amending Notification No. 73/2003-Customs, dated the 1st May, 2003
56/2008-Customs 29-04-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
55/2008-Customs 28-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Pentaerythritol originating in, or exported from Chinese Taipei and Japan
54/2008-Customs 28-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Hydrofluoric acid originating in, or exported from the People’s Republic of China
53/2008-Customs 23-04-2008 Exemption specified goods when imported from Bangladesh through Dhaka- Darsana– Gede– Kolkata route
52/2008-Customs 22-04-2008 Amends Notification No.26/2000-Customs dated the 1st March, 2000
51/2008-Customs 21-04-2008 Exemption to the goods imported into India from Bangladesh under SAFTA
50/2008-Customs 21-04-2008 Amends Notification No. 147/2003-Customs, dated  the 7th October, 2003
49/2008-Customs 11-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Sodium Nitrite
48/2008-Customs 11-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty for Sulphur Black
47/2008-Customs 11-04-2008 Amends Notification No. 52/2003-Customs, dated  the 31st March, 2003
46/2008-Customs 10-04-2008 Anti dumping duty on import of  Diclofenac Sodium originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China
45/2008-Customs 09-04-2008 Amends Notification Nos. 74/2005-Customs, dated the 22nd July, 2005 and 75/2005-Customs, dated the 22nd July, 2005
44/2008-Customs 07-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Sodium hydrosulphite, originating in, or exported from, Germany and Korea RP
43/2008-Customs 04-04-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on Vitamin E
42/2008-Customs 01-04-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
41/2008-Customs 31-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 89/2005-Customs, dated the 4th  October 2005
40/2008-Customs 27-03-2008 Anti-dumping on imports of Sodium Hydroxide originating in, or exported from, Qatar
39/2008-Customs 26-03-2008 Anti-dumping duty on Sodium Hydroxide commonly known as Caustic Soda
38/2008-Customs 24-03-2008 Amends Notification No.11/2008-Customs dated 23rd January, 2008
37/2008-Customs 20-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
36/2008-Customs 17-03-2008 Amends Notification No.39/1996-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996
35/2008-Customs 14-03-2008 Extension of anti-dumping duty on Hexa Methylene Tetramine, commonly known as Hexamine, originating in, or exported from, Iran
34/2008-Customs 13-03-2008 Anti dumping duty on import of Compact Discs-Recordable (CDR),  originating in, or exported from Iran, Malaysia, Korea ROK, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam
33/2008-Customs 11-03-2008 Anti dumping duty on Acetone originating in, or exported from, European Union, Chinese Taipei, Singapore, South Africa and the United States of America.
32/2008-Customs 05-03-2008 Amends  Notification No. 69/2004-Customs, dated the 9th July, 2004
31/2008-Customs 03-03-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 105/2007-Customs, dated the 19th  September, 2007
30/2008-Customs 03-03-2008 Anti-dumping duty on specified items originating in, or exported from, the United States of America, Korea RP and Taiwan
29/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Supersession of the notification No.77/2003-Customs, dated the 14th May, 2003
28/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 171/93-Customs, dated the 16th September, 1993
27/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 27/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
26/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Exempts all goods falling under sub-heading 8517 12 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), as specified in column (2) of the Table in the Seventh Schedule to the Finance Act, 2001 (14 of 2001)
25/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 25/1999-Customs, dated the 28th February, 1999
24/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No.84/97-Customs, dated the 11th November, 1997
23/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 19-Customs, dated the 6th February, 1965
22/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Exempts specified goods
21/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
20/2008-Customs 01-03-2008 Amends Notification No. 20/2006-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2006
19/2008-Customs 25-02-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 114/2007-Customs dated the 28th November, 2007
18/2008-Customs 19-02-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 104/2007-Customs, dated the 14th September, 2007
17/2008-Customs 19-02-2008 Anti-dumping duty on specified items from People's Republic of China
16/2008-Customs 05-02-2008 Rescinds Notification No.120/2002-Customs, dated the 31st October, 2002
15/2008-Customs 05-02-2008 Regarding anti-dumping duty on the subject goods, originating in, or exported from, the United States of America, Japan, the European Union and Singapore
14/2008-Customs 04-02-2008 Amends notification No. 39/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996
13/2008-Customs 24-01-2008 Amends Notification No. 21/2002 - Customs dated 1st March, 2002
12/2008-Customs 23-01-2008 Amends notification No. 39/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996
11/2008-Customs 23-01-2008 Anti-dumping duty on import of Homopolymer of vinyl chloride monomer (PVC) suspension grade
10/2008-Customs 15-01-2008 Grants further concessions to specified goods imported from Singapore [read with Notification No. 59/2005-Customs (N.T.)]
09/2008-Customs 14-01-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 100/2006-Customs, dated the 29th September, 2006
08/2008-Customs 14-01-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 122/2002-Customs, dated the 31st October, 2002
07/2008-Customs 10-01-2008 Amends Notification No.20/2006-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2006
06/2008-Customs 08-01-2008 Rescinds Notification No. 89/2002-Customs, dated the 3rd September, 2002
05/2008-Customs 08-01-2008 Amends Notification No. 4/2007-Customs dated 8th January, 2007 regarding anti-dumping duty on Trimethoprim (TMP)
04/2008-Customs 04-01-2008 Amends Notification No.165/2003-Customs, dated 12 November 2003 on anti Dumping duty on float glass
03/2008-Customs 03-01-2008 Amends Notification No. 102/2006-Customs, dated the 29th September, 2006 on anti-dumping duty on Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassium Dane Salt (PHPG DS)
02/2008-Customs 03-01-2008 Amends Notification No. 117/2003-Customs, dated the 24th July, 2003 on anti-dumping duty on Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassium Dane Salt (PHPG DS)
01/2008-Customs 01-01-2008 Amends Notification No. 106/2003-Customs, dated the 10th July, 2003 on anti-dumping duty on Mulberry Raw Silk

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