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Tariff Notifications for the year 2005

Notification No. Date Subject
105/2005 - Custom 28-12-2005 Amends the notification  No.39/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996
 104/2005 - Custom 26-12-2005 Amends Customs Notification No.89/2005 dt.4.10.2005
103/2005 - Custom 29-12-2005 Imposition of final anti-dumping duty on Sodium Cyanide
102/2005 - Custom 19-12-2005 Anti-dumping duty on Sodium Cyanide
101/2005 - Custom 29-11-2005 Rescinds Notification No.157/2003-Customs dated 20.10.2003
100/2005 - Custom 29-11-2005 Imposition of definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of NBR from the European Union (excluding Germany), Mexico and Brazil
99/2005 - Custom 25-11-2005 Imposition of anti-dumping duty on imports of Cold Rolled Stainless steel flat products imported from USA and Japan
98/2005 - Custom 25-11-2005 Regarding anti dumping duty on caustic soda
97/2005 - Custom 17-11-2005 Amends certain notifications
96/2005 - Custom 16-11-2005 Impose anti-dumping duty on all imports of vitrified and porcelain tiles, other than vitrified industrial tiles
95/2005 - Custom 11-11-2005 Imposition of provisional anti-dumping duty on import of Sodium Formaldehyde Sulphoxylate (SFS)
94/2005 - Custom 20-10-2005 imposes provisional anti-dumping duty on the said rubber chemicals, namely PX-13, MOR and TDQ
93/2005 - Custom 20-10-2005 Imposes of provisional anti-dumping duty on import of Pentaerythritol, in all forms, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China and Sweden
92/2005 - Custom 18-10-2005 Rescinds Notification No. 124/2003–Customs, dated 8th August, 2003
91/2005 - Custom 17-10-2005 Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) originating in, or exported from, the People’s Republic of China
90/2005 - Custom 13-10-2005 Amends of Notification No.25/2002-Customs, dated 1st March, 2002
89/2005 - Custom 04-10-2005 Exempts the Edible Oils
88/2005 - Custom 30-09-2005 Amendments in the notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002, dated the 1st March, 2002,
87/2005 - Custom 27-09-2005 Anti-dumping duty on Rubber Chemicals namely, MBT
86/2005 - Custom 22-09-2005 Anti-dumping duty on nylon tyre cord fabric of all types
85/2005 - Custom 19-09-2005 Anti -dumping duty on Aniline imports extended up to 9th april 2006
84/2005 - Custom 16-09-2005 Reg. anti-dumping duty on Oxo Alcohols
83/2005 - Custom 15-09-2005 Amends in the notification  No.55/2001-Customs, dated  the 16th May,2001
82/2005 - Custom 14-09-2005 Regaring anti-dumping duty on Potassium Permanganate
81/2005 - Custom 08-09-2005 Exempts all items of machinery, including prime movers, instruments, apparatus and appliances, control gear and transmission equipment, and auxiliary equipment (including those required for testing and quality control) and components
80/2005 - Custom 05-09-2005 Anti-dumping duty on Oxo Alcohols falling under heading 2905, of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
79/2005 - Custom 01-09-2005 Amends the notification  No. 85/2004-Customs, dated the 31st  August, 2004
78/2005 - Custom 01-09-2005 Imposed anti-dumping duty for a further period of five years on import of NBR, originating in, or exported from the subject countries, vide notification No. 111/2002-Customs dated the 10th October, 2002
77/2005 - Custom 22-08-2005 Amends the certain notifications
75/2005 - Custom 22-07-2005 Exempts goods of the description as specified in column (3) of the Table appended hereto and falling under the tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975)
74/2005 - Custom 22-07-2005 Exempts goods of the description as specified in column (3) of the Table appended hereto and falling under the tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975)
73/2005 - Custom 22-07-2005 Exempts goods of the description as specified in column (3) of the Table appended hereto and falling under the tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975)
72/2005 - Custom 22-07-2005 Exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table hereto annexed and falling under the Chapter, Heading No., Sub-heading No. or Tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975)
71/2005 - Custom 20-07-2005 Amendment in the notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
70/2005 - Custom 19-07-2005 Amendment in the notification No. 207/89-Customs, dated the 17th  July, 1989
69/2005 - Custom 19-07-2005 Rescinds the notification No.65/2001-Customs, dated the 25th June, 2001, [G.S.R. 454 (E), dated the 25thJune, 2001]
68/2005 - Custom 19-07-2005 The matter of import of vitrified and porcelain tiles, other than vitrified industrial tiles (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods), falling under headings 6907 or 6908 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975)
67/2005 - Custom 19-07-2005 Imposes anti-dumping duty on all imports of Paracetamol, falling under sub-heading No. 2922 29  of the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act
66/2005 - Custom 14-07-2005 Amends notification No. 39/96-Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996
65/2005 - Custom 12-07-2005 Amends notification  No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
64/2005 - Custom 12-07-2005 Rescinds notification  No.149/2000-Customs, dated the 21st December, 2000
63/2005 - Custom 07-07-2005 Anti-dumping duty on import of certain  rubber chemicals
62/2005 - Custom 06-07-2005 Rescinds notification No. 71/2003–Customs, dated the 1st May, 2003
61/2005 - Custom 05-07-2005 Amendments in the notification No. 111/2002- Customs dated the 10th October, 2002
60/2005 - Custom 04-07-2005 Amendment in the notification No. 147/2000-Customs, dated the 19th December, 2000
59/2005 - Custom 30-06-2005 Rescinds the notification No. 5/2005–Customs, dated the 27th January, 2005
58/2005 - Custom 30-06-2005 Anti-dumping duty on all imports of Hexamine
57/2005 - Custom 28-06-2005 amendments in the notification No. 26/2000 -Customs, dated the 1st March, 2000
56/2005 - Custom 23-06-2005 Anti-dumping duty on Sodium Cyanide by amending notification No. 10/2001-Customs, dated the 31stJanuary, 200
55/2005 - Custom 17-06-2005 Anti-dumping duty on analigin from China PR."
54/2005 - Custom 14-06-2005 Extension of anti-dumping duty  on Metronidazole.
53/2005 - Custom 07-06-2005 Anti-dumping duty on acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR)
52/2005 - Custom 02-06-2005 Rescinds the notification No. 53/2002–Customs, dated the 21st May, 2002 which imposes definitive anti-dumping duty on all imports of  the said Vitamin AD3 500/100
51/2005 - Custom 27-05-2005 Imposes definitive anti-dumping on all imports of Sodium Nitrite
50/2005 - Custom 20-05-2005 Amends/further amends notification numbers 154/94-Customs, dated the 13th July,1994, 55/2001-Customs, dated the 16th May, 2001 and 52/2003-Customs, dated the 31st March, 2003 .
49/2005 - Custom 19-05-2005 Rescinds notification no 95/2005 customs dated 12th September 2002 which imposed anti dumping duty on Acrylic fibre below 1.5 denier imported or exported from Italy.
48/2005 - Custom 19-05-2005 Rescinds notification no 104/2002 customs dated 9th October 2002 which imposed anti dumping duty on Acrylic fibre imported from certain countries.
47/2005 - Custom 17-05-2005 Amendments in the notification No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
46/2005 - Custom 17-05-2005 Amendments to  certain  notifications
45/2005 - Custom 16-05-2005 Exempts all goods produced or manufactured in a special economic zone and brought to any other place in India in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009
44/2005 - Custom 13-05-2005 Rescinds Notifications 13/2005,17/2005 and 20/2005 all dated 1st March 2005
43/2005 - Custom 13-05-2005 Amends Notification No. 39/2005 Customs dated 2nd may 2005
42/2005 - Custom 13-05-2005 Amends Notification No. 19/2005 Customs dated 1st March 2005.
41/2005 - Custom 09-05-2005 Exempts inputs or goods including capital goods, which are freely importable, when imported into India against a duty credit certificate (hereinafter referred to as the said certificate) issued under Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana (Special Agricultural Produce Scheme )
40/2005 - Custom 02-05-2005 Imposes safeguard duty for a period of three years on imports of  Tapioca Starch  into India
39/2005 - Custom 02-05-2005 Exempts parts, components and accessories of mobile handsets including cellular phones, from the whole of the additional duty of customs leviable thereon under sub-section (5) of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
38/2005 - Custom 02-05-2005 Computers Additional Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2005
37/2005 - Custom 02-05-2005 amends notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002 dated the 1st March, 2002
36/2005 - Custom 13-04-2005 Imposes final anti-dumping duty on NTCF of all types originating in or exported from Peoples Republic of China
35/2005 - Custom 13-04-2005 Imposes Anti-dumping duty on Thermal Sensitive Paper imported from certain countries.
34/2005 - Custom 13-04-2005 Rescinds notification No.94/2002-Customs, dated the 9th September, 2002, which imposed anti-dumping duty on Vitamin AB2D3K.
33/2005 - Custom 12-04-2005 Rescinds notification No.31/2001-Customs, dated the 28th March, 2001 which imposed anti-dumping duty on Hydroxyl Amine Sulphate.
32/2005 - Custom 08-04-2005 Exempts goods when imported into India against a duty credit certificate issued under the Target Plus Scheme in accordance with paragraph 3.7 of the Foreign Trade Policy.
31/2005 - Custom 30-03-2005 Amends notification no 96/2004 Customs dated 17/9/2004
30/2005 - Custom 21-03-2005 Imposition of definitive anti duping duty on import of mica pearl pigment
29/2005 - Custom 11-03-2005 Amends notification No. 21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st  March, 2002
28/2005 - Custom 07-03-2005 Rescinds notification imposing anti-dumping duty on Vitamin A palmitate.
27/2005 - Custom 02-03-2005 Amends notification numbers 34/1997-Customs dated 7th April, 1997,
26/2005 - Custom 02-03-2005 Amends notification No.21/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002
25/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts certain goods from whole of duty of Customs
24/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts certain goods from whole of duty of Customs
23/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Amends Notification no 25/2002-Customs dated 01-03-2002
22/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Amends Notification no 25/99-Customs dated 28-02-1999
21/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts parts, components and accessories of mobile handsets from whole of duty of customs
20/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts goods specified in column 2 of the table in notification no. 19/2005-Cus, dated 01-03-2005
19/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Imposes Additional duty of customs @ 4%
18/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Amends Notification nos. 50/96-Cusotms, dated 23-07-1996, 25/98-Customs, dated 02-06-1998 and 69/2004-Cus, dated 09-07-2004
17/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts Tea and Tea waste from whole of additional duty of customs
16/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Amends Notification no 136/90-Customs dated 20-03-1990
15/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts certain goods from duty of customs
14/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts certain goods from duty of customs
13/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Exempts certain goods from duty of customs
12/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Rescinds Notification no 5/2004- Customs dated 08-01-2004
11/2005 - Custom 01-03-2005 Amends Notification no 21/2002- Customs dated 01-03-2002
10/2005 - Custom 16-02-2005 Amends Notification no.158/2000-Cus dated 27-12-2000,so as to continue anti dumping duty on Polystyrene.
09/2005 - Custom 15-02-2005 Increases duty on certain varieties of edible oils.
08/2005 - Custom 14-02-2005 Imposes provisional anti-dumping on velcro tapes.
07/2005 - Custom 04-02-2005 Amends Notification no. 21/2002-Customs dated the 1st March, 2002
06/2005 - Custom 27-01-2005 Rescinds notification No. 63/2003-Customs dated the 2nd April 2003
05/2005 - Custom 27-01-2005 Imposes anti-dumping duty on Hexa Methylene Tetramine.
04/2005 - Custom 24-01-2005 Imposes final anti-dumping duty on Flexible Slabstock Polyol of Molecular weight 3000 to 4000
03/2005 - Custom 19-01-2005 Continues anti dumping duties on Sodium Cyanide.
 02/2005 - Custom  19-01-2005  Rescinds the notification No. 116/2004- Customs, dated the 24th December, 2004.
 01/2005 - Custom  04-01-2005  Rescinds the notification No. 1/2002-Customs dated the 2nd January 2002.

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